Newly ordained Reverend Clare Morgan from St. Philips Anglican Church – Dunbar, got in touch with us while they were planning their 90th anniversary. Big congratulations to them on an amazing achievement; 90 years of faith and ministry in their community! Just imagine all the lives that they have touched over the years.

We were very pleased to hear that they had chosen our Grocery program to do some food collecting and fund raising for; as part of their celebrations.

What a beautiful church! Here is a picture of one of their doors. Seemed fitting to use this image (it’s theirs by the way) since they were so welcoming.


The Venerable John Stephens pictured here, helping to get the groceries to the car!


Look at all this food!


St. Philips partners and supports many charities and we are honored to be one of those new partnerships. Here’s to a long and nurturing relationship!

With love and gratitude from everyone at AV & the Grocery program!



Heidi Morgan


seeker of softness in the lapsing waves of beautiful chaos!